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Know About Manta Rays in Kona, Big Island

Night snorkelling or manta scuba diving in Kona is one of the most famous places to see manta rays on the planet. First, only on the Big Island of Hawaii, all manta ray and snorkeling trips are done at night. Second, because this species does not migrate to the coastal waters of Kona, you can see manta rays all year round.

Manta rays farms on the Big Island are called Reef Manta Rays and are the second largest species in the world. But unlike its spiny cousin, the mantle lacks blood vessels. You can also take advantage of Manta Ray’s best night snorkelling.

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The beautiful Kona Manta Ray is a safe and gentle giant that can grow as wide as a BOAT! In addition, multiple rounds have a success rate of over 90%.

When you are on the Big Island of Hawaii, snorkeling is an absolute highlight of my trip and is 100% at the top of the list of the best things to do on the Big Island.

In this guide, people share their personal experiences of diving the Big Island, they explain the best places to explore the mantle in Kona, what you need to do to prepare for your dive or night dive, and the specific details for doing so.