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All about finding Hemorrhoids Treatments

Hemorrhoids refer to small, distended veins within the rectum or anus. Although it is quite common, many people who have it are embarrassed and reluctant to visit a doctor. They prefer to search online for a hemorrhoid cure

There are many options available, depending on whether bleeding hemorrhoids are external or internal and how severe the problem is.

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Other reasons for pain and itching the anus, rectum, blood in the stool, or anal fissure could include anal abscess or the dreaded disease of cancer.

You might feel some pain when you sit or strain. The presence of nerves around your anus can cause this. The anus can be characterized by a fleshy lump around it. There are cases where complications like blood clots or veins rupturing can lead to a thrombosed situation. It is not unusual to feel pain.

For internal ones that occur within the rectum there is no pain. They are unlikely to be noticed until blood is visible in your stool or toilet tissue. They can cause prolapsed hemorrhoids, which can protrude from your anus. 

Serious cases might require injection or, rarely, surgery. Surgery should only be considered as a last resort due to the risks of bleeding, infection, and severe postoperative pain.

It is important to first understand the causes of hemorrhoids before you try to find a cure. Constipation and irregular bowel habits are the main culprits. 

Sclerotherapy is the treatment option. This involves injecting sclerosant drugs into hemorrhoids. It causes the blood vessels walls to thicken, which in turn reduces blood supply. The lump becomes dry and wet.

Applying an over-the-counter cream may provide instant relief for itching or discomfort. It can also shrink swollen hemorrhoidal tissues, and quickly heal anal fissures.