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All About Swimming Pool Cover

Pool Covers are available in various shapes, sizes, and general types. There is a solar pool cover that serves to keep the water warm using the sun's heat.

The safety pool cover does what it says, keeping the swimming pool safe from the unwanted entry of humans or animals.

Cover the winter pool on the ground and above the ground; keep dirt, dust, and animals out of your pool during the winter. This also prevents growth in the inside of your pool which can be caused by winter elements.

You can buy retractable electric swimming pool covers via Auto Pool Reel.

Automatic Pool Covers

Here are some of the things you should look for when shopping for a pool cover to land above you or in a land swimming pool.

1. Find the pool cover that is strong and sturdy. The cover not only keeps your swimming pool clean but also adds security for humans and animals. This should prevent accidental sinking and dirt and debris from entering the pond.

2. Make sure the pool cover complies with state and local legal requirements. Some areas require the size and depth of a particular pool to be covered when not in use. There are special requirements that must be fulfilled by this cover. Ask local authorities to make sure that your pool cover meets the required requirements.

3. Make sure the pool cover of your choice is equipped with a good factory warranty. In general, the pool cover must be equipped with a warranty of more than 2 years.