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All About Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery, also called abdominoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that flattens the abdominal area and removes excess skin and fat.

Tummy tuck surgery is usually recommended for people who are unable to reduce the appearance of their tummy area through diet or exercise. Many factors can affect the outcome of abdominal surgery. If you are looking for tummy tuck surgery then you can navigate to this website.

Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR, India

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There are two types of a tummy tuck: mini and full. A mini tummy is when only the lower abdomen shrinks. Full abdominal retraction is when the entire abdominal area is performed.

Abdominal surgery is a basic surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. Patients should be aware of the risks, including blood loss, infection, and anesthesia.

Flexing the abdomen pulls and repairs the abdominal skin, which may require creating a new belly button. In many cases, the skin is removed to reduce or eliminate stretch marks. The surgeon cuts the abdomen near the pelvis.

The total duration of surgery varies between one and five hours and depends on the complexity of the operation. Recovery may include hospitalization or the patient may be discharged immediately after the surgery.

Full recovery time after abdominal surgery can range from two to four weeks. Recovery depends on the extent of surgery, the patient’s general health and physical condition prior to surgery, and the patient’s natural healing process.

For most patients, the results of a tummy tuck are long-lasting. However, any weight gain can affect the results. It is important for the patient to understand that losing or gaining weight will adversely affect the results of a tummy tuck.