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Antenatal Care During Your Pregnancy

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, it is important to see your doctor or midwife as soon as possible so that you can schedule an appointment you will need during your pregnancy. These are called your antenatal appointments or antenatal care.

These appointments will help your doctor, midwife, and other people of your healthcare team to help both you and your baby stay healthy. If you want to know more about antenatal care then you can visit jacaranda maternity.

antenatal care

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Even if your pregnancy is going well and you feel good, you need to attend your appointment so that all possible risks can be recognized and avoided or reduced.

It is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about your pregnancy such as what happens during each quarter, the symptoms of physical pregnancy, and birth itself. You can ask questions about caring for your baby after birth.

You can also get help to assist you with your lifestyle, including mental health or dietary advice or help to stop smoking or drinking alcohol. You can explain any problems you may have at home.

You can see your GP first, before picking a midwife. It may also depend on whether you intend to give birth in a public hospital. If so, you will likely see a doctor or a midwife at the hospital.

If you plan to give birth at a birth center, you probably have your appointment with the midwife at the birth center.