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Be The First To Hear About A Noguchi Table Sale!

I never thought I would find a Noguchi table sale and I would assume that I would never have the coolest table in the world to complete my TV room. Then it happened … I found a website promoting stylish Noguchi table via! I ordered immediately and now proudly owns the most amazing table ever created! 

Then I looked at more Noguchi table sales and found that I had lost a lot of energy and time just entering my name on the mailing lists of high-end furniture stores and websites. That way I don’t have to be the one looking for a shop because the shop will do the job and let me know if there’s a Noguchi table sale!

Now that we can all sleep at night, I want to make sure you know how to spot a fake Noguchi imitation so you don’t get tricked into buying it. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

If the glass plate is thin and has sharp edges instead of squares, it is not genuine.

If the leg is made of cheap veneer and not hardwood, it’s a fake.

Last but not least, it wouldn’t be realistic if Isamu Noguchi’s signature wasn’t printed on glass and wooden plinth.

 OK, now you’re an expert on the real deal and how to find out about the next Noguchi table sale! Good luck finding a deal for life and excited to see how this furniture complements the look of any room!