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Benefits of Advanced Physical Therapy in Annapolis

Advanced physical therapy refers to the medical practice that treats, heals, and prevents injuries. Although this is not the only purpose of the therapy, it covers the majority of the care patients receive. Therapy is also used to preserve muscle and tissue that are essential for basic mobility such as walking and lifting. Sports training is beneficial for athletes who want to improve their speed, agility, endurance, and coordination. Advanced physical therapy is known for providing education that helps patients understand the body and prevents future injuries.

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Geriatric Physical Therapy Benefits

The elderly are more at risk of falling and breaking bones as their bone mass and muscles decrease with age. The leading cause of bone loss in the elderly, particularly among women, is osteoporosis. Strength training is a treatment to build bone mass. This is because it increases blood flow to bones, which helps them strengthen.

Physical therapists are available to assist seniors at home, in skilled nursing facilities, assisted living centers, and outpatient facilities. Medicare usually covers the costs of rehabilitation and pain management.

Sports Physical Therapy Benefits

The American Physical Therapy Association gives its members the chance to further their education through online and in-person courses in sports therapy. Therapy centers train therapists to work with college and high school athletes. This therapy option is very popular because many young people require help with sports-related injuries.

Athletes can be helped by therapists one-on-one to improve their agility and strength. Advanced physical therapy techniques can speed up recovery for patients. Because of the many specialties in physical therapy, everyone can benefit from a program that addresses their particular condition.