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Black Truffle Salt Explained

Those who are passionate about truffles have a lot of questions about black truffle salt, some of which you will find answered in this article. But before we begin discussing truffle salt we need to go back a little bit and remember the origins of truffles in France and Italy.

They are associated with the Roman army as early as the first century BC. The ancient Greeks were well acquainted with them. They were known as Perle (Greek 'p' for parley meaning to sprinkle) as well as Perillaides. We know that the Romans also used them as preparation of meat.

They were originally a method of seasoning rice. Only later was it popularized by the Romans. In fact, they regarded truffles as the quintessential food of the gods.

As you may be aware, truffles require high standards of cooking and seasoning. They are best served with very low-moisture, dry materials. This is why you'll find truffle salt labeled low moisture.

I would assume the use of high-quality truffles calls for a relatively dry system. On the other hand, if you only have a little bit of excess water in your freezer and you're prepared to cook them quickly then you will need a moist cooking method. In either case, don't leave any moisture in the truffles when cooking.

In the case of fish, you'll want to apply a large pinch of salt. Your cooking system may dictate what amount of oil you add.

Meats that are particularly difficult to cook (pork and beef) don't usually get a truffle salt line on the packet. You can sometimes order this in bulk from a specialty store or restaurant supply company. If you want to cook this meat more often, it's always best to buy truffle salt rather than the standard table salt, which most people love to use.

There are many variations of the black truffle salt. They are generally divided into two categories: the black French truffle salt and the black Italian truffle salt.

Black French truffle salt has a green color and no scent. It is not commercially available in the United States, so you may have to look abroad to find it. It was introduced to the United States by food connoisseurs in the late 1960s.

Black Italian truffle salt has a great flavor but it is not as popular as the French variety. It is described as tasting a little like cola, possibly with a slight note of coffee.

The traditional method for using these salts is to place them in a heat resistant container and set it inside the refrigerator at about forty-five degrees. Leave it there and turn it often.

That's really great news for those of us who want to save time in our kitchen. It will also ensure that you're prepared for the truffles in advance.