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Dentists – Sending Your Kids To The Dental Chair

Knowing what kids’ dentists recommend can help you make smart decisions about your toddler's oral health. Many parents wonder how best to protect the dental health of their children.

Pediatric dentists are dentists who specialize in the care of children and adolescents. It's an indispensable profession because tooth decay is the most common chronic condition in children between the ages of five and 17. You can know more about the best dentist for your child via

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First, pay attention to diet. You already know that the food your child eats plays a vital role in his growth and development, but children's dentists warn against too much sugar and starch. If these foods are not brushed properly, they can cause tooth decay.

Brush your child's teeth as soon as they appear. You can use a washcloth or brush with soft bristles and plain water for the first year and then switch to toothpaste for young children. Let your child brush their teeth when you feel they are big and coordinated enough to do well.

The timing of your first visit to the dentist is also important. Many recommend bringing their child around the age of one.

Even though the dentist can't do much to clean, this first visit gives you the opportunity to talk about your baby's teeth and allows your child to get used to visiting the dentist so they don't feel scared when a more in-depth examination is needed.