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Emergency Dentist in Sydney CBD

With so many people living in Sydney’s CBD, it’s no surprise that there are now a number of emergency dentists in the area. If you find yourself in need of one during an emergency, be sure to look for these dentists and get in touch as soon as possible.

What is an emergency dentist in Sydney CBD?

An emergency dentist is a dentist who can see you for an appointment within 24 hours of your call. If you have an emergency, you should make an appointment with your regular dentist as soon as possible. However, if you cannot make it to your regular dentist in time and need to see a dentist immediately, then you should call an emergency dentist in Sydney CBD.

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Types of dental emergencies

There are many different types of dental emergencies that can occur in each case. Some of the most common dental emergencies include:

1. Toothache: A toothache is a common problem and can be caused by a number of factors, including tooth decay, a sore jaw or TMJ disorder, or a problem with the adjacent teeth. If you experience severe pain in one or more teeth, contact your dentist immediately.

2. Fractured tooth: If you break a tooth, it’s important to get it treated as soon as possible so that the tooth doesn’t become infected and eventually fall out. If the root is exposed, it may become infected and require antibiotics to treat. In some cases, a broken tooth may require surgery to fix.

3. Dental abscess: An dental abscess is an infection that forms inside a tooth or between teeth and gums. The most common cause of a dental abscess is bacteria getting into the dental cavity through the teeth or gums.