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Everything You Need To Know About PFAS Chemicals

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of hundreds of synthetic chemicals used to make products that are resistant to heat, water, and stains. These chemicals, commonly called "forever chemicals," do not break down easily in the environment and are particularly difficult to eradicate.

They are prevalent in drinking water and drinking water sources throughout the United States, and their chemical properties make them difficult to remove and treat using traditional water treatment techniques.

The issue with PFAS is that they can remain in the human body for an extended period, potentially causing PFAS cancer. Common health effects of PFAS chemicals include kidney and liver damage, developmental issues in children living near firefighting sites, high cholesterol levels, and lower fertility rates.

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There is an insufficient study to identify tolerable exposure levels for each of the PFAS. A number of the most studied compounds have been related to negative health consequences in trace amounts. A growing number of people across the country are recognizing the chemicals and attempting to address the contamination problem.

How is PFAS affecting people?

These chemicals are used in industrial applications and can be found in consumer products such as apparel, food packaging, cooking equipment, cookware, cosmetics, and carpets, as well as an aqueous film-forming (AFFF) a fire-fighting foam. The general public is exposed to PFAS through consuming contaminated water or food, inhaling PFA-containing dust, and coming into contact with PFAS-containing consumer products.

Contamination sources include not only manufacturing and industrial facilities, but also landfills where PFAS has leached into groundwater and other areas where AFFF containing PFAS is utilized, such as military bases, airports, chemical factories, and underground petroleum storage site.