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FAQs About the All on Four Dental Implants

All on Four Dental implants are a new dental technology that enables a permanent set of teeth to be placed to see it and feel natural.

  • How do they differ from dentures?

All on Four dental implants permanently cleaned and scrubbed like normal natural teeth. Unlike dentures, they do not need to be removed at night. There is no messy adhesive is required, and no blockages occur that may occur with dentures. All on 4 implants allow patients to bite food with a higher level of strength. This means that patients can eat their favorite foods again. You can visit this link to know more about all of four dental implants.

  • How do they compare to traditional dental implants?

Traditional dental implant usually requires 5-8 implants per arch. Because all on 4 implants placed at an angle, increasing support is made by using natural bone support.

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Another problem is that traditional implants often require bone grafting. For this to work, there are some healing is required, which can take 6-12 months. Traditional implants can take a lot of procedures to complete the placement, while the All on 4 implants is a single stage.

  • What to expect?

While patients have considerable differences, the general rule of thumb is that two visits will be required prior to the procedure for the initial consultation, x-ray, and impressions. The procedure itself can be done in one setting with extracting teeth.

Some post-operative visits will be required to ensure healing will be fine. In about six months, when the final tooth placed. This was after the gum has healed and the implant has stabilized. This procedure is much shorter and easier than the beginning.

  • Who is a good candidate for the All on Four Implants?

The best candidates for the procedure are those who wear dentures today. Or potential people who would need dentures in the future and do not have severe bone degeneration.