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Get Reliable Car Crash Lawyer In Milwaukee

You are about to have your first meeting with an experienced, highly competent car crash lawyer about a potential personal injury claim.

By keeping in mind that the lawyer will use the meeting to assess you and your potential claim, you will be able to prepare in a way that leave the right impression with the best car crash lawyer in Milwaukee and makes it more likely that he or she will agree to represent you.

Automobile Crashes in Wisconsin | Emmanuel L. Muwonge & Associates

First, get organized. The lawyer will need certain documents from you in order to evaluate your potential claim. Put together a folder with the following documents before your meeting:

1. The police report and/or accident report. These reports will help the lawyer get additional descriptions of the accident, determine the identity of any witnesses and their view of how the accident happened and who is at fault, find out about any special circumstances such as alcohol, and whether anyone was cited for the accident.

2. Photographs of the accident and accident scene. The photographs will help the lawyer get a sense of the accident scene and (if the photographs were taken at the time of the accident) the amount of traffic, visibility, and weather conditions.

3. All information you gathered regarding the other driver, including name, address, driver’s license number, vehicle year, make and model, license plate number, and an insurance company. The lawyer will need to identify the other driver to find out as much about the driver as possible, including whether (and how much) insurance the driver has, and whether the driver has been involved in other accidents.