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How Dry Cleaning Services Work

Dry cleaning is a method that cleans your clothes without the use of water. It is environmentally beneficial in a way that you do not use too much water and it is a lot cheaper than a comfortable laundry cleaning.

So how does it work? 

Dry cleaning follows a special process in the treatment of your clothes. It first passes through a process of investigation where employees have to tell if there is a problem with the fabric that may arise once it is cleaned. There are so many companies like apparelgroup which provide better information regarding apparel service.

 Dry Cleaning Services

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The next step is to have employees tag or label clothing to determine whose clothes belong to whom. This saves time for someone to find clothes and also helps in organizing laundry. The fabric will now undergo a splash in which it will be easier for the dry cleaning solvent to remove the stain.

This can take a few minutes as they need to use the proper splash solution for the right type of clothing. After all the previous processes are done, it is time to go to your clothes cleaning machine which will use a special solvent instead of water. 

The machine works like a washing machine that continuously spills your clothes with water and laundry soap. The machine however only uses a cleaning solvent in which it pumps continuously inside the machine.