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How To Care For Your Color-Treated Hair Properly

Of all the major developments that have occurred in the technology of hair in recent decades, undoubtedly one of the most important is the fact that color treatments have become simpler and safer. With the right color treatments, you can go, blonde redhead, today. You can even dye your hair pink or purple or blue color or whatever fancy hair color that you want to.

However, the power of style and versatility that color treatments have given us, does not change the fact that the hair is fragile after the hair color treatment. If you want to keep your color-treated hair healthy and beautiful in appearance, it is very important that you take good care of them. You can achieve this by:

Less often shampoo:

Dyeing your hair can take away the natural oils that are coated on your strands. Disrupts by frequent shampooing loses the ability of your hair follicle to produce oil. So to prevent your locks from becoming dry and prone to breakage, try shampooing your colored mane much less often. Once a week is enough. Instead of shampoo, you can get rid of excess oil and dirt by washing your hair with conditioner or using a dry shampoo.

How to Take Care of Color Treated Hair (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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Use Of Products For Colored Hair: 

Haircare products specially designed for colored hair has a gentle formula that makes them soft to use. They also pump your strands with protein and moisture to prevent them from becoming dull and dry. They also have a high sun protection factor or SPF so out in the sun will not easily cause your hair color fading.

Treat Your Hair With Deep Conditioning:

Daily conditioning is imperative for dyed hair. It is also important that you condition your hair thoroughly once a week and have treatments with hot oil once a month. Doing these will keep your hair soft and hydrated, alleviate stress on your scalp and roots, as well as maintain the health of your mane.