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How To Organize A Funeral Service In Singapore

A funeral procession is an important part of funeral rites and tradition. A funeral procession usually consists of the deceased person’s coffin, followed by mourners, family members, and/or friends.

The purpose of a funeral procession or buddhist funeral in Singapore is to provide the deceased with a dignified farewell and to allow the mourners to pay their respects.

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The body of a deceased person may be carried by members of the immediate family or friends, or it may be carried by pallbearers. The processional route typically begins near the place where the body was found, often in a public place such as a park or square. 

From there, the procession usually moves slowly along streets or avenues before arriving at the funeral home. Funeral processions can also take place on foot if there is no suitable vehicle available.

Funeral Procession Etiquette

When grieving a loved one, it is important to have a funeral procession that honors their life. The funeral processional should be led by the deceased’s casket or urn, followed by members of the bereaved family.

The remaining mourners should walk behind the casket or urn, walking in an orderly fashion. It is also customary for the pallbearers to carry the casket or urn.

How to follow a funeral procession

A funeral procession is a solemn ceremony that honors the deceased with a cortege of vehicles and people. The procession begins at the funeral home or gravesite and proceeds to the church or other final destination.

The procession should be led by the officiant, who will provide readings from the Bible or other religious texts. The mourners, usually family members, walk behind the vehicles in order to show respect for the deceased.