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Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal Methods

The youngest teeth refer to molars, which rise from the gums at the age of 17 to 25 years. Before entering the discussion on the method of removal of impact wisdom, let's understand what problems can be influenced by the youngest teeth can pose for patients and why removal becomes a must.

The term "impaction of the wisdom tooth" refers to a condition in which the tooth does not erupt out of the gum line as it should. Conversely, teeth are blocked by the gum itself, or with existing teeth, or even by bones in it. You can browse this link to know about the methods of wisdom teeth removal.

The consequence can be the accumulation of food debris in the area around the gums that can cause bacterial growth. Not only will it rot the youngest teeth, but even the next teeth may rot too.

There are four types of impacts that can be found in patients. This is:

  • Vertical bone impaction: This causes a pathosis in the jaw or cheekbone bone.

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  • Horizontal bone impaction: The horizontal placement produces a second hard molar network which results in cavities and toothache.
  • Angle's bone impaction: This can also produce the same side effects and suffering for patients. It is also known as a network impaction because the youngest teeth immediately come out of the network.

Depressed discretion of wisdom teeth

Sometimes all the youngest teeth are removed, while at other times, each tooth is removed in a separate session. Your oral surgeons will make the final decision regarding deletion. X-rays will be taken to determine the level of infection or how close the teeth are affected to the gum surface.

Before removing teeth, you will be given local anesthesia to turn off the area. In terms of some youngest teeth that must be removed, general anesthesia is given. To remove the affected teeth, the dentist opens the gum tissue lying on the teeth and removes the bone that covers the teeth.