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Know More About Multiple Entry Visa to India

A multiple entry visa for India is available for travelers who wish to enter the country on more than one occasion during a certain period. The multiple entry visa travel has good validity of 6 months or 10 years. The business entry visas validity extended from 1 year, 5 years and 10 years.

India visa requirement has been modified several times over the last few months. Recent changes require applicants to submit either a copy of a birth certificate or school diploma. You can check out e visa india tourist for getting more knowledge about visa services online.

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Other requirements include a visa application is completed, a valid passport and two passport-style photograph. India will no longer accept visa applications in which the applicant is wearing glasses in the photo.

Business visa applicants must also provide a business letter on company letterhead stating the nature of the business to be conducted in India and the reference name of that company in India.  

Travelers who granted entry tourist visa to India some are now required to wait two months between each visit. Anyone who wants to visit India before the two-month gap is completed must request special permission from the head of each mission. Requests are evaluated on a case by case basis and there is no guarantee that permission will be granted.