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Know your Hair Type & Choose Right Hair Care Products

Determine the texture of your hair – make shampoo and dry it naturally with a towel. Then cut a piece of hair that is about the same length.

Remove all hair. Place the strand and strand side by side on a clean surface, both of which can be analyzed properly.

If the thread is thinner than the thread, you have a thin texture.

If the thickness of the two is close together, you will have a medium texture.

If the key is thicker, then a thread, then you has thick.

You can also order iron supplements for maintaining better health.

Determine the softness of your hair – the shampoo is correct and dries. Leave them all night. Press a little tissue on your scalp and the area behind your ears in the morning.

Oily hair – If oil stains fall on the fabric, you have oily hair.

Dry skin – if the fabric doesn't change, you have dry hair.

Medium hair – If there is a small amount of tissue on the fabric, the type of hair is medium hair.

Mixed hair – try a different place if the oil comes from one point and there is no oiliness at another. Then the types you have are combined, i.e. This is a mixture of oily and dry hair.

Check elasticity – pull hair strands. Grasp both ends and allow a little stretch. Pull slowly, don't pull too fast. Look carefully and check the level of elasticity.