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Roofing in Sydney – Repairing a Slate Roof

While it's common knowledge that slate roofs are one of the longest-lasting roofing systems, it does not mean that they are completely maintenance-free. Extreme weather conditions such as freezing temperatures can, over time, damage these tiles. This article will outline the necessary steps to follow if you find yourself needing to perform a simple roof restoration or repair.

Materials / Tools

  • Non-clip shoes
  • Slate ripper
  • 3-inch hook
  • Replacement tile

Obtaining the Correct Slate Tile

Prior to performing any repair, it is important to first gather the correct type of tile replacement. These replacement tiles should ideally be able to match the appearance, size, and dimensions of the current ones.

The Ripper

A ripper is used in order to remove and cut through nails. Slate tile nails are typically located beneath the existing tile. Slide the ripper underneath the tile and hook the body or tip of the nail to it. Once the nail is properly hooked, it can be easily removed. Make sure to remove each nail, as most tiles are generally fastened by two.

Slate Hook

This device should be driven into the newly vacant spot. The hook should be placed at an equal distance on each side and in the center. Position the hook roughly 3 inches away from the lower edge.

New Slate

When placing a new tile, slide it on top of the hook. The piece should slide easily into place.

Safety Precautions

Try to refrain from making sudden movements. Work slowly and pay attention to your surroundings. Hasty actions cause accidents and additional issues. While personally repairing a roof can save on costs, an injury may end up resulting in a higher bill overall.