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Sustainable Packaging in Five Steps

Recent initiatives and trends in sustainable packaging for a greener environment highlight five factors that really influence the amount of greenhouse gases used and the associated energy. The goal is to design Eco friendly custom packaging & sustainable boxes online for flexible business continuity from the plant while providing customers with more environmentally friendly options at lower financial and environmental costs.

  • Materials – this refers to recycled packaging. When creating new packaging, it is almost always necessary to use a certain amount of fresh fiber. This improves the predictability of the resulting container, print quality, and more.

  • Ink – We recommend using environmentally friendly water-based inks. Some of them do not require heat when they need to be applied.

  • Coatings are used to seal and prepare the final product. An environmental concern in this area is the use of coatings without harmful contaminants and the ability to finish at lower temperatures.

  • Cure refers to the hardening of the final product. Sustainable packaging solutions use radiation (for non-food products) and require less light and heat to close the loop.

  • Assembly refers to flexible self-sealing packaging options. Newer water-based adhesives allow corrugated cardboard to be adhered by applying glue and pressure while drying the surface. It requires less energy consumption.

By choosing the right technology and combining it with a business-centered and environmentally friendly management approach, manufacturers can keep pace with green innovation.