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Tax Fraud Attorneys

Tax fraud is an economic crime, including crimes such as tax evasion, failure to file taxes, failure to declare income and assets, misrepresenting exemption requirements, fraud, and other tax crimes. Tax fraud attorneys are attorneys who fight criminal cases on behalf of tax fraudsters.

A tax fraud attorney, unlike an income or business tax attorney, is appointed only after a person or entity is accused of tax fraud. They do not usually provide advice on tax planning or tax filing but are hired when someone suspects they are being investigated or when the authorities initiate a tax audit.

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A specialist attorney for tax evasion negotiates with the authorities on behalf of his client and points out mitigating circumstances. Navigating between tax planning and tax fraud is risky for a person without adequate knowledge of tax laws. 

For example, much tax evasion occurs when fraudulent tax collectors mislead taxpayers. If an attorney can show that the fraud was intentional and without malicious intent, his sentence may be reduced or the charge dropped.

A tax fraud attorney tries to convince tax authorities that prosecuting a suspect will do more harm than good.

Since fraud prevention is always desirable, it is best to consult a lawyer when paying taxes or filing returns to avoid being accused of fraud. However, as soon as an investigation is conducted into the suspected fraudster, it is advisable to hire a tax evasion attorney as soon as possible. He advises his clients about their rights and recommends steps to minimize damage.