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The Process Of Hiring A Wedding Photographer

Even though most people have attended a wedding, that doesn't mean they know the process when it's their turn. Below is a guide on how to hire a wedding photographer.

Step 1: Hire a photographer.

This can be a difficult task even for someone who follows hundreds of wedding photographer blogs. It is advisable to hire someone in the state where you are getting married. You can also hire a photographer for weddings through Aya Productions.

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Start communicating with them – choose three people you want to meet in person. Face-to-face meetings are great because the photographer will be with you throughout the day and you not only want someone who is knowledgeable in wedding photography. After the meeting, you can choose your photographer.

Step 2: Choose a package

Talk to your photographer at the meeting about what kind of coverage they offer and what kind of coverage you need. Let them help you with this, they shouldn't sell you more than you need, but they should also be there to cover every important moment that will happen on your wedding day. 

The typical workday for wedding photographers is 8 hours, just like any other workday for professionals. However, it often takes 10 reporting hours to start the bridal preparations and finish well at the reception. 

Your wedding photographer should help you decide if you want a wedding album and tell you whether to entitle you to the wedding photos, save digital files, etc.