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Things To Consider Before Buying A Surge Protector

Overvoltage or power surges are a constant occurrence in households and businesses. Ordinary daily activities such as running the dryer or dishwasher, taking out the trash, operating the copier, turning on the air conditioner, or opening the garage door cause power surges. These small, frequent electric shocks can slowly damage the internal circuitry of any device plugged into a wall outlet, telephone line, or cable.

Surge protection devices or fuses are designed to prevent damage from surges and voltage peaks. They act like sponges and absorb waves before they reach the devices they are connected to. This protection is especially important for valuable electronic devices and devices that store important data. Learn more about how surge suppressor breakers work by browsing the internet.

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When purchasing a surge protection device, compare the following features:

UL clamping voltage – The lower the UL clamping voltage, the better the protection. Make sure the rating reflects the results of a 500 amp test for your home or office.

Joules – The higher the rating in joule or MOVs, the more energy the surge protector can absorb before it reaches its limit. A higher score means better protection for a longer time.

Circuit Breaker – When a circuit is overloaded, the circuit breaker stops the current flow, this is independent of overvoltage and spikes.

Response time – The faster the surge protector reacts, the better.

Indicator – This Indicates that the surge protector is activated and protected. As soon as the overvoltage protection reaches its additional performance limit, the lamp goes out and the device must be replaced.

Power failure protection –  When the surge protector reaches its ability to absorb additional power, it will turn off power to all of your plugs.