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Tips for Choosing a Luminous Ceiling In Australia

When you install a light fixture in your home, you may be wondering what a luminous ceiling is. A luminous ceiling is a type of ceiling that uses light to create an effect that makes the room look more spacious. There are many different types of luminous ceilings, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

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Here are some tips for choosing the perfect luminous ceiling: 

1. Consider the Material: Luminous ceilings are made from many different materials, including acrylics, vinyls, and even metal sheets. Make sure that the material is both durable and light-weight so that it won't cause any structural problems down the road.

2. Choose a Color That Will Complement Your Home Décor: When choosing a luminous ceiling, be sure to consider your home's colors. If you have a dark living room with light walls, for example, choose a light-colored luminous ceiling to bring in some brightness. Conversely, if your walls are brightly painted, look for a darker color to match.

3. Factor in Installation Cost: Another consideration when choosing a luminous ceiling is the cost of installation. Many materials require professional installation; if you're handy and have the proper tools, you can do the installation yourself, but only if you have a great deal of experience. If you're not experienced at working with electrical fixtures, hire a professional to install your luminous ceiling.