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Top Fire Extinguisher Training Tips

Security is important everywhere. For this reason, it is very important to conduct fire protection training courses and seminars such as handheld fire extinguisher training courses and hose training courses for residents in preparing for fire. The workshop should consider standard procedures in the event of a fire in a particular location. This is important in every household member’s home, as well as in every employee’s security office.

The program should cover important things you’ll need to take care of when a fire breaks out in the hospital, including what to do, and also, finding exit points, and understanding how to use the equipment for fighting fires to mention some. You can visit to join the hospital fire safety class online.

The important point is that there are different classifications of fire. They are classified into A and B. Note that fires are classified by the type of product or fuel that caused the fire.

Fires caused by standard materials such as wood, clothing, plastic, and paper are classified in Class A fires, the most common cause of fires occurring in residential, hospital, and office buildings. In this case, the use of commercially available fire extinguishers, consisting mainly of water, is recommended to extinguish the fire.

Class B fires are caused by liquids such as gases and other highly flammable chemicals such as fuels, oils, and fats. It is very common in factories, workshops, and workshops, liquefied gas storage facilities, and gas stations.

However, the tips above are just a look at all the training for firefighters, which are usually more extensive to detail the entire safety course; but they are already useful enough to inform you of the need for such training.