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Types Of suspended ceilings In Australia

A suspended ceiling, also known as a drop ceiling, is a type of ceiling that is supported by metal poles or cables. It is a popular choice for contemporary living rooms because it gives the room a modern feel while still providing some protection from dust and other debris. A suspended ceiling can also make a room appear larger than it actually is.

Suspended or  stretch ceilings are becoming more popular in contemporary living rooms. They offer a modern look and can be installed in a variety of styles.

Here are some types of suspended ceilings that are perfect for contemporary living rooms:

1. The grid style: This style is made up of rows of metal or wooden bars that hang down from the ceiling. The bars can be straight or curved, and they create a clean, modern look.

2. The lattice style: This type of suspended ceiling is made up of many small panels that are interconnected by wires or rods. The panels create an interesting texture and look, and they can be used in both traditional and contemporary settings.

3. The berceau style: This type of suspended ceiling is based on the traditional Louis XIII bed canopy. It features a large, elaborate frame that hangs from the ceiling. The frame is often decorated with intricate details, and it gives the room a high-end look.

4. The octagonal style: This type of suspended ceiling features eight evenly spaced circles that hang from the ceiling. The circles create a unique design feature, and they can be used in both traditional and contemporary settings.