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What are the Different Types of Tooth Implants?

While implants are the most common option for replacing your teeth, there are many other options that may be used. These include dental jaw realignment (where your jawbone is reshaped to accommodate more natural teeth), bone grafting (to allow you to have a larger bone structure to support dental implants) and bone grafting in conjunction with implants. 

There are many types of tooth implants, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. If you have teeth that are bothering you and you are considering a root canal or Invisalign, be sure to speak with professionals at Here are some factors to consider:

1. Root canal teeth implants: These are used to replace teeth that have been lost or damaged due to decay or injury. Root canal teeth implants are inserted into the root canal of the tooth, where they will act as a replacement for the missing tooth. 

2. Dental bridge: A dental bridge is a type of implant that replaces two or more teeth that have been lost or damaged. The bridge is made up of several sections, each of which is secured to either side of another tooth by screws or clips.

There are also several different techniques for placing missing teeth: crowns (cement-filled shells rather than dentine layers), bridges (generally using porcelain or plastic on top of missing teeth), veneers (which are thin sheets of porcelain used to cover the surface of your existing teeth) and dentures (worn when necessary).