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What is a Hosted Call Center?

The hosted call center is a modern customer service solution in which the contact center software is installed or hosted by an external service provider system.

Many contact center executives are currently migrating to hosted call centers as a strategic opportunity to reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and maintenance costs.  For more details about the hosted call center, you can visit this site –

TTEC believes in a world where providing an excellent customer experience is always possible. That’s why we implemented on-premises cloud-hosted contact center solutions and offer managed services to remove technical bottlenecks that contact centers often face when trying to optimize communications infrastructure.

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Cloud Contact Center Software Solutions: Learn more about how we deliver a superior customer experience at scale with our contact center software solutions.

Humanify Connect: Our advanced all-in-one cloud customer service platform is built for omnichannel, real-time customer interaction while maintaining an easy-to-use view of individual customers.

Four Ways Cloud Changes Customer Experience: Many businesses have taken advantage of the promise of cloud computing for cost-effective on-demand data resources. At the same time, the market continues to grow and business leaders find innovative ways to drive better business results through the cloud.

Cloud Contact Center Solutions to Accelerate Digital Transformation: Cloud contact centers offer many benefits, such as increased flexibility, cost savings, and the ability to support customers from virtually anywhere.