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What is Wrong With Your Tooth?

If you have a tooth that is chipped, cracked, or broken, it may be a dental emergency. If you are in pain or your tooth is bleeding, you should also seek dental care right away. Other symptoms of a dental emergency include an abscessed tooth, which is an infection at the root of the tooth, and a knocked-out (avulsed) tooth. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

Can my tooth be saved?

There is a chance that an avulsed or knocked-out tooth can be re-implanted if you seek dental care within 30 minutes of the injury. An avulsed tooth is a lost tooth that has been displaced from its socket. During an emergency, you can also consult Elgin Dentist & Orthodontics at Smiles of Elgin Dental Care.

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A knocked-out tooth is a lost tooth that has been dislodged from its socket but remains in your mouth. If a knocked-out tooth is not re-implanted within 30 minutes, it has less chance of being saved.

A dentist can re-implant an avulsed tooth only if the pulp inside the tooth (the soft tissue) is alive and healthy. In some cases, an injured tooth may need to be extracted if you seek dental care more than one hour after the injury.

What types of injuries are most common?

Canine teeth are most likely to be injured in impact sports such as football, hockey, soccer, and basketball, or contact sports such as rugby or wrestling. Incidents that occur during non-contact sports, including baseball and cycling, also can cause dental injuries.