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What’s So Special About Penis Envy Mushrooms

This may not come as a surprise, but yes, these fungi get their name from the fact that they actually look like male reproductive organs. Characterized by their peculiar appearance, with dense, rounded and wrinkled stems, these mushrooms often belong to the larger spectrum. Their round caps may or may not open and separate from the usually very thick stem.

The colour varies, typical of other types of psilocybin, from white to dark brown, with variations between strains. Contrary to what some claim or believe, the spores of the Penis Envy Fungus actually look exactly like the Cubensis strain. Like all fungi, spores and look alike in size, colour and shape. You can avail the benefits of penis envy and buy dried magic mushrooms in Canada online.

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Even under a microscope, an observer may not be able to tell the difference between the two. But what sets Penis Envy Mushrooms apart from the rest is that they don’t open the lid the same way they release spores. Because of this, spore collection is much more difficult than with their cousin P. cubensis.

According to recent findings, penile encephalitis is the result of a recessive genetic mutation. This means that the sponge must have two mutated copies, otherwise, it will not exhibit the properties of the original sponge.

This was discovered when the lab found that the penis envy fungus might revert to the cubensis type of fungus. Another misidentified fungus may look like the Penis Envy strain, but it really isn’t. You may only have one mutated copy, which means it won’t look the way it should.