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Who Is An Interior Stylist?

Who is a stylist? In my experience, interior stylists come from a wide variety of occupations, from office work to textiles, art, product design and economics.

Skills are obscured as many have photographic and artistic directing skills, as well as technical and creative flair. Most of them have to be good "designers" to get together and often create and design props and upholstered furniture.  

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The stylist's job is to be an attractive sponge and reflect various styles and trends. What inspires all stylists is her love of composition and decorative design, as well as working with many beautiful things!

For example, a stylist's job in national magazines and newspapers involves generating ideas for stylistic features which may include several crafts / designs and room layout ideas, all of which are related to creating space.

When stylists are hired by retailers to work on catalogs, their knowledge of trends is drawn and it is necessary to sketch a mood board. Often times, stylists have to choose an attractive spot / surface / background idea for photos / products / decoration ideas to show the product to customers.

Resource address books and the ability to create short, budgeted, and often very short timescales mean highly organized stylists and great people!