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All the Facts to Know About Spray Tanning

Spray tanning is an emerging method of sunless tanning. Spray tanning is technically something that falls somewhere between tanning beds and self-tanning cosmetics. 

The spray-tanning booth will spray you with a special mist. The process takes only a few minutes and you will have the suntan you desire in no time. You can easily get these spray tanning treatment in your nearby area via

Spray tanning mist contains DHA. This chemical reacts with the skin's outer layer and dyes it brown. Although it is technically similar to tanning lotions in that it uses DHA, the sprays and booths ensure that DHA will be evenly distributed throughout the body. 

What is the average time it takes?

Spray tanning only works on the outer skin layer so the effects last for a few days and then disappear within four to five days. 

Spray tanning can be a great way to look good for a brief time. You can also visit a salon once per week to maintain your skin's color.

Although skin replacement is inevitable, there are ways to prolong the life of your tan. These are the things:

(1) Before you spray tan, moisturize your skin with a water-based moisturizer. This will allow DHA to spread to your skin, and prolong the tan's life span.

(2) Exfoliate – remove dead skin cells from the outermost layer of your skin. Only dye those cells that will last more than a few hours with the mist.