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Fire Extinguisher Servicing And Other Systems For Maintaining Fire Safety

In addition to routine fire extinguisher maintenance as required by law, I think you should also ensure that all your fire extinguishers are properly installed.

When servicing your device, you can ask the service technician how to wall-mount the device. I'll provide some advice on how to do this in this article. This advice is provided by professional fire brigade service

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The fire extinguisher should be attached to the wall in such a way that the carrying holder is about 1m from the ground. For smaller devices, the distance to the floor should be approximately 1.5 meters.

A fire protection technician knows these things, but you need to check the simple things yourself. This saves the engineer time to do more important things for him. As a person with a disability, you can make adjustments for special reasons, but the device must really be standing on the floor.

Fire extinguishers should protect themselves from excessive heat near exits and in shallow inlets. Follow these few tips and you should be good at installing your fireproof equipment. A fire extinguisher can help with this.

  • What are some best practices for correct equipment placement?
  • The fire extinguisher must be 1.5 meters from the base of the handle.
  • It must be fixed securely to a wall or a suitable stand for such a device.
  • You can adjust the height of the fire extinguisher in certain areas for easy access for persons with disabilities.
  • They should be located near doors, on the way out and in shallow alcoves.
  • The device must not be placed near intense heat.