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How To Clean And Maintain Stone Flooring?

Stone flooring adds a unique and timeless look to any space, as it is durable and aesthetically pleasing. However, it does require some extra care when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Here are some tips for keeping your stone floor looking its best. If you want to install a stone floor then you may explore this link.

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Regular Cleaning: Stone floors should be regularly cleaned with a soft-bristled broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt. For more stubborn dirt and stains, use a mild cleaner such as dish soap and warm water. Be sure to rinse the floor with clean water after cleaning to remove any residue. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scouring pads as this can damage the stone.

Sealing: Stone floors should be sealed to protect them from staining. Sealing should be done every two to three years, depending on the amount of traffic and wear that the floor receives. A quality sealer will help to prevent dirt and liquids from penetrating the stone, as well as protect it from scratching and etching.

Polishing: Stone floors can be polished to bring out their natural beauty. This process is best done by a professional who has experience in stone polishing. It typically involves buffing the stone with a special machine, using a polishing compound. This will help to eliminate scratches and dull spots on the stone and restore it to its original shine.

Repairing: Stone floors can incur damage from time to time, such as chips, cracks, and scratches. These can be repaired by a professional using a filler that matches the color and texture of the stone. This will help to restore the floor to its original condition.