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Mesothelioma Class Action Lawsuit

In the 1970’s the onslaught of Asbestos lawsuits began. The target of the class action lawsuits has been shipbuilders, manufacturers, mining companies, and construction companies. Because many of these buildings/mines/ships still stand mesothelioma and of course mesothelioma, class action lawsuits continue. Mesothelioma causes death so you would think that the reward should be substantial.

But of course. In actuality, the average reward is $1 million. A great trade for a life! Hundreds of cases can be in a class-action lawsuit and a jury may grant a $100 million as a reward since it seems like a good punishment. What does $1 million do for someone whose life is ruined?

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Well not much of course, BUT even less if they do not even get the whole $1 million. The average attorneys’ fees have been 40% of the total reward. So, the victim’s life is ruined and he gets $600,000 but the lawyer gets $400,000 for redundant work. This would explain why the web is dominated by class-action lawyers seeking new mesothelioma clients. One name added to a list that was already going to trial = $400,000 for the lawyer.

You are also more likely to receive a lower amount of damages when your claim is grouped with so many other victims of asbestos-related disease, as awards for mesothelioma claims are generally higher than asbestosis and other asbestos-related diseases.

With a mesothelioma claim, you are probably better off on your own. You have the ability to directly control your case, attorney fees, and potential damages. But you will also have to hire and pay for your own lawyer and you won’t share in any benefits received in the mesothelioma lawsuit class action.”