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Types Of Cosmetic Dentures

There are a few different types of dentures that can be custom-made for you. The most common type is a full denture, which replaces all of your teeth. Partial dentures replace only certain teeth, and bridge dentures connect two or more missing teeth. You may also choose to wear a dental implant in place of some or all of your missing teeth.

If you are considering getting cosmetic dentures, there are a few things you should know in advance. Here are the top four things patients typically experience when receiving dental implants or cosmetic dentures :

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1. Increased Confidence – When you have beautiful, natural teeth that look great without Dentures or Implants, it is easy to be self-conscious about needing them. After being fitted for your Dentures or Implants, many patients find they suddenly feel much more confident in their appearance and no longer need to worry about attracting attention to themselves with unsightly dentures or implants.

2. More Efficient Eating – One of the main benefits of having implant-supported teeth is that they allow us to eat more effectively than we could before our surgery. 

3. Improved Oral Hygiene – Cosmetic denture patients generally experience improved oral hygiene This means less plaque accumulation around your smile and less work for your dental professional during regular cleanings!

4. Reduced Dental  Costs – Over time, having implants and/or cosmetic dentures will actually reduce your dental costs. This is because implant-supported teeth last longer and need less maintenance than regular teeth.