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What Causes BPH And How Can It Be Treated?

People who have had BPH for a long time may experience some symptoms of the disease, such as having trouble urinating and being unable to empty their bladder completely. This article breaks down what causes BPH and how it can be treated.

How to Prevent BPH

BPH is a common condition that affects the male reproductive system. It can be caused by a number of factors, including age, obesity, genetics, and hormones. If left untreated, BPH can lead to problems with urination, such as difficulty starting or completing a urination cycle, constant urinary tract infections (UTIs), and even chronic kidney disease. If you have any symptoms of BPH, you can consult specialists for bph treatment via

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Possible Causes of BPH

There are a few possible causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. Some of these causes include age, genetics, and health conditions like diabetes. Other factors that can contribute to BPH include obesity, lifestyle choices, and even drinking alcohol.

BPH is a disorder that affects the prostate gland. The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system that produces semen. When BPH occurs, the prostate becomes enlarged and can cause difficulty urinating. In some cases, BPH can lead to prostate cancer.

There is no one definitive cause for BPH, but it can be caused by numerous factors including age, genetics, and health conditions like diabetes. Other factors that can contribute to BPH include obesity, lifestyle choices, and even drinking alcohol. Molten salt therapy is one treatment option for mild to moderate cases of BPH.