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When Should You Pour Marijuana Clones?

When dousing your clones with marijuana, consider using water that has been brought down to a pH of around 5.8 (small fluctuations are nice). Until the roots are strong, avoid using nutrients and stick to plain RO water instead.

Lastly, water should be brought to room temperature to prevent shock to the plant and to ensure that the root medium temperature remains within the ideal range to promote root growth.

You can also contact the best and reliable licensed growers to get the marijuana clones.

Maintenance of a little water around the root area

It's ideal to keep water away from the roots – but make sure the main root area is still moist. Depending on the humidity and temperature around you, you may need to monitor your clones more closely for signs that they need water.

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When dousing your clones with marijuana, consider using water that has been brought down to a pH of around 5.8 (small fluctuations are nice).

Until the roots are strong, avoid using nutrients and stick to plain RO water instead.

Lastly, water should be brought to room temperature to prevent shock to the plant and to ensure that the root medium temperature remains within the ideal range to promote root growth.