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Business Web Design And Website Development Programs

If you're not a professional web developer, you might be wondering what the difference is between business web design and website development. 

Business web design in Vaughan is a process that starts with an understanding of the customer, their needs and wants, and how technology can be used to help them accomplish their goals. Websites are designed primarily for marketing purposes, but business web design takes into account what the customer will do on the site – from clicking through to purchasing a product or service.

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Website development is a different process altogether. Websites are designed to provide a specific function or set of functions for the visitor. They may be designed to sell products, provide information, entertain or inform. Website development begins with developing a detailed business plan and creating a website that meets all of the requirements specified in that plan. The goal is to make money, not market products or services. The distinctions between these two types of web design are important because they affect everything from cost to functionality. 

A business web designer will generally charge more than a website developer because they have more knowledge and experience in the field. A website developer should charge less than a business web designer because they are not as specialized and will typically be able to create websites that look better and work better without any additional costs.