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Email Marketing Services: A Comprehensive Guide

Email marketing is the process of sending email messages to a large number of people with the aim of driving engagement and generating leads.

There are a variety of email marketing services out there, so it can be hard to decide which one is right for your business. In this comprehensive guide, we'll outline the different types of email marketing services and describe their benefits.

1. Automated Email Marketing: This type of service sends automated emails to your customers using a set schedule. These emails could contain important updates about your product or service, new offers, or just general information. 

2. Lead Magnet Emails: A lead magnet is an email that you send to your mailing list (or any other group of people who have opted in to receive emails from you) that contains valuable content such as an ebook, free report, or video tutorial. 

3. Quota-Based Email Marketing: With quota-based email marketing, you set a limit on how many messages users can send per day or week, and then send these messages based on how much activity has been detected on their account (either by clicking through links in their emails or opening them). 

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market your business. This comprehensive guide, teach you the basics of email marketing and types of email marketing services.