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What To Avoid When Shopping for Toddler Clothes?

When shopping for clothes for toddlers, it's important to keep in mind the developmental stages they are going through. Here are a few things to avoid when finding clothes for your toddler:

1. Don't buy anything that is too tight or too large. These clothes will only constrict your child's movements and can lead to discomfort and even injury. You can check here if you want to know more about shopping for toddlers.

2. Avoid clothing with bright colors or patterns. These may be too stimulating for a young toddler and can lead to them becoming overstimulated and restless.

3. Be selective about the types of clothes you buy your toddler. For example, if you are buying them a dress, don't purchase one with sequins or feathers; these materials can easily become embedded in their hair and cause headaches later on in life.

4. Always wash clothing before giving it to your toddler, especially if it is new or has been treated with any type of fabric softener or dryer sheet. This will help prevent any potential allergies or infections from developing in the garment.

Toddlers love colorful and patterned clothing, but be cautious not to overdo it – too much color can bother some toddlers who may be sensitive to visual stimulation. Patterns should also be simple enough that they won't get lost in the mix, but complex enough to keep your toddler interested (for example, check out our selection of animal patterns).