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Know About The Causes Of Urbanisation

Most cities are growing quickly, with the majority of growth projected to be in low-income countries in Africa and Asia. By 2050, 6.5 billion people will live in urban centres – two-thirds of the projected world population.

Urban living offers many benefits to residents including more job opportunities and higher incomes, and to businesses including lower input costs, greater collaboration and innovation opportunities. But human overpopulation in urban areas– especially if it is rapid – also brings challenges.

global overpopulation

Economic, political, and social issues merge with circumstances of modernization to make people want to migrate from rural to urban areas. Causes of urbanization include:

  • Industrial Growth: The explosion of industrialization and manufacturing enterprises within a certain urban area gives rise to more employment opportunities — which is another factor of urbanization.

  • Employment: Rural areas commonly are agricultural. Urbanization and industrial growth create opportunities for jobs that pay more, are more diverse, and may be less physically demanding.

  • Social Factors: Many urban areas allow for better living standards, including superior educational facilities, better access to healthcare, modern housing, and more recreational activities.

  • Economic Problems: Many people may choose to migrate from a world area, as it is generally not as economically stable or wealthy as a booming urban city.

Urbanization is a complex process, as many of its driving factors play into and give rise to one another. Once a rural city becomes urbanized, it may begin to thrive from several beneficial features — most of which are what attracts more people to them.